Friday, April 2, 2010

Josh Pearl?

So last weekend some of you may have received my text message regarding the uncanty resemblance of the Tennessee Head Coach's Son, Steven Pearl to the likes of our good friend and fellow Son Josh Basen. Most replies I received back had to agree that Basen is leading a double life as a father and husband in Bay Village, OH and at the same time displaying his gut and grit on the hardwood in this year's NCAA tournament. Even Josh himself replied back, and I quote, "ha.....holy shit. I just pulled up his bio page on the Tenn team page and its me with a fade!.....Wierd."
Know 1 can deny the physical resemblance as well as the slight swagger which both carry themselves with is scarily similar.

Irony played a huge role last week as Josh Pearl used his skills on the court to end Basen's Buckeyes bid at the Elite eight. How do you fuckeye fans feel about that SHIT!! Meanwhile Pearl and the Vols couldn't muster up enough strength to beat Sparty in the next game. Izzo and company find a way again. I'm sure Nos was producing mating calls left and right after the W.

Anyway just wanted to let everyone know that Josh Pearl also finds time to do some charity work as well. How about this GUY! Father, Son, collegiate athlete, and all around great human being.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

This blog poops off on a daily basis here folks. With rapid expansion and writers this blog is about the occupy many a Son's free time.

Lets use this article to get the ball rolling regarding winter meetings. What are some areas that need to be addressed this year?

I think our bylaws need to be updated and posted on this website. I'd also like to see our "keeper rules" posted here too. I'd like to have trophy rules included in the laws just so that it is in stone about past champ paying for the new champ's engraving and shipping, and maybe a delivery deadline wouldn't be a bad idea.

Obviously, trades are going to be a hot topic. Topics will include: trading future picks, trading keepers post-deadline (draft day), and of course the trade deadline date.

Another topic Ben brought up is voting on expansion. Even if it gets voted down in a landslide (which I expect it will), it will seem legitimate to at least have a vote on it. I think we should organize a list of our expansion candidates, as well as criteria that would make someone eligible for an expansion team and criteria from which these candidates would be selected.

Thoughts? Use the comments section below to discuss matters regarding our Winter Meetings.

And I leave you with a version of apologize that makes me think of my old college roommate Connor. Its too laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Winter Meetings

Let it be known that up here in the frozen tundra of Minny (its suppose to hit 70 the next few days), I'm crushing in my war room and my winter meetings are well underway. I'm scouting prospects, analizing (said it) keepers, and contemplating trades. IHU4;) will be in OH for the formal meetings this summer, but there is no doubt I will be the most prepared!

I mourn for Coach Terry and I have FULL intentions of bringing my binder from his class down for Aaron's wedding. If anyone wants me to make them a copy of this masterpiece let me know. I plan on having Sons so I saved it to show to them in the future. I also saved it for you.

This chick is from Britin, and her teeth are probably garbage and so is this version. But she is nice to peep at, so for your viewing pleasure...

I'm sorry for that, is it too laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

First Post

I'll use this first post to establish a roster of the Sons. I'll avoid using first and last names so that if someone Google's your name, it will save you an embarrassing explanation.


On a positive note, I finally got The Terry Hoeppner Memorial Cup engraved and shipped to our current champion, Matt.

Sorry for the delay, I hope its not to laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate.