Tuesday, March 30, 2010

This blog poops off on a daily basis here folks. With rapid expansion and writers this blog is about the occupy many a Son's free time.

Lets use this article to get the ball rolling regarding winter meetings. What are some areas that need to be addressed this year?

I think our bylaws need to be updated and posted on this website. I'd also like to see our "keeper rules" posted here too. I'd like to have trophy rules included in the laws just so that it is in stone about past champ paying for the new champ's engraving and shipping, and maybe a delivery deadline wouldn't be a bad idea.

Obviously, trades are going to be a hot topic. Topics will include: trading future picks, trading keepers post-deadline (draft day), and of course the trade deadline date.

Another topic Ben brought up is voting on expansion. Even if it gets voted down in a landslide (which I expect it will), it will seem legitimate to at least have a vote on it. I think we should organize a list of our expansion candidates, as well as criteria that would make someone eligible for an expansion team and criteria from which these candidates would be selected.

Thoughts? Use the comments section below to discuss matters regarding our Winter Meetings.

And I leave you with a version of apologize that makes me think of my old college roommate Connor. Its too laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate.


  1. I will comment on all of these issues at a later time however right now i'm very fired up at the possibilities of this new kick ass website, but I'm at work at the moment. Let me just say that I vote NO on expansion. It's too many teams if there's more that 14 (that's a lot already). Again, I will comment on the other issues soon.

  2. I vote NO on expansion as well. 14's a good number

  3. No to expansion. Also, did we end up agreeing that trading future picks has also been outlawed?

  4. No to expansion. We never voted on future picks being outlawed.

    My own personal plan of action would be to move the trade deadline up a week and nothing more. I think we need to see the results of our actions before we change the rules. Seeing as how LPD made no moves and won the ship, I have a feeling we will see some market correction this year. If you combine that with moving the trade deadline up a week, I think fire sales will be curtailed greatly. I am not necessarily against banning them in the future, but for now, I think I am for this year. I look forward to hearing arguments from all sides though.

  5. I vote no to expansion. I am in favor of moving up trade deadline one week. It's not drastic but makes sense to me to do it.
