Monday, March 29, 2010

Winter Meetings

Let it be known that up here in the frozen tundra of Minny (its suppose to hit 70 the next few days), I'm crushing in my war room and my winter meetings are well underway. I'm scouting prospects, analizing (said it) keepers, and contemplating trades. IHU4;) will be in OH for the formal meetings this summer, but there is no doubt I will be the most prepared!

I mourn for Coach Terry and I have FULL intentions of bringing my binder from his class down for Aaron's wedding. If anyone wants me to make them a copy of this masterpiece let me know. I plan on having Sons so I saved it to show to them in the future. I also saved it for you.

This chick is from Britin, and her teeth are probably garbage and so is this version. But she is nice to peep at, so for your viewing pleasure...

I'm sorry for that, is it too laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This Brit is nice and easy on the eyes, but sings like Longshanks..... "Do it and let the English see you do it!"

  4. This Brit is nice and easy on the eyes, but sings like Longshanks..... "Do it and let the English see you do it!"

  5. Speaking of the frozen tundra, how bout the Redhawks in the Frozen 4 right here in beautiful Detroit!! I know Bonder's thinking of comin in for it and you all should as well. Let's see the hawks win the 1st national title in school history! (and get wasted doin it)

  6. That would be sweet. Definately gonna watch it but probably won't make it to D town. Give an extra ca-CAW for me though.
